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Parakissshow crazy about DANIEL WU

6 avril 2007

《门徒》聊天 吴彦祖入戏太深何美钿大有收获

《门徒》聊天 吴彦祖入戏太深何美钿大有收获
新浪娱乐讯 2007年2月10日下午14:30,《门徒》主创吴彦祖、何美钿出席做客新浪聊天室,与网友直接交流影片点点滴滴,下为聊天实录: 主持人: 欢迎各位 新浪网 友!我们赶紧介绍一下吴彦祖和何美钿。 吴彦祖:你好。 何美钿:新浪网友,大家好,我是何美钿。 主持人:吴彦祖也说一点,新浪的网友大家好,我是吴彦祖。 吴彦祖:新浪的网友们大家好我是吴彦祖。 主持人:在14号和大家见面的《门徒》,吴彦祖实在是太出彩了,而且是当之无愧的门徒。 吴彦祖:是吗? 主持人:在这个片子当中您饰演的是一个始终在内心挣扎的卧底,虽然没有正儿八经当过一天差,的在毒贩身边当了十几年警察。...
6 avril 2007

组图:《明明》香港首映 周迅“真空”装抢镜

组图:《明明》香港首映 周迅“真空”装抢镜
周迅和吴彦祖亮相 周迅接受采访 黄耀明助阵 周迅和吴彦祖合影 新浪娱乐讯 新晋导演区雪儿、周迅、吴彦祖等人均盛装出席电影《明明》首映,周迅的一身貌似“真空”的打扮吓坏了不少观众。 周迅和吴彦祖可以说是多年老友了,在夜宴中两人也有着不少对手戏。两人大赞对方的国语和粤语都很棒!周迅被问到吴彦祖是否有找她合作电影时,她一脸坏笑说道当然有,不过剧本内容就不能告诉大家了。TUNGSTAR/文并图 Source:
4 avril 2007


L'on suit l'histoire d'un flic infiltré dans le monde de la revente de drogue. Il a la confiance d'un parrain de la drogue qui lui apprend toute les ficèles pour être son nouveau remplacant. Mon avis: 9.5/10 Comme on s'en doute par son cast d'acteur les...
13 mars 2007

MING MING: Posters and Stills (...)

MING MING: Posters and Stills (...)
Ming Ming is Hong Kong music video director Susie Au's first feature film. According to IMDB, Zhou Xun plays Ming Ming, a 21st Century martial arts princess and lady Robin Hood who steals for love. Her Prince Charming is D (Daniel Wu), a maverick fighter...
8 mars 2007

Daniel pour Jessica's

Daniel pour Jessica's
2 mars 2007


together for a long time!!!
22 février 2007

Warning: I am NOT on MY SPACE!!!

Hey Guys, Happy Chinese New Year. Long time no write. Been having a a good time off, been back home to the Bay Area, Lake Tahoe and South Africa. I'll talk about my travels in my next blog. Today I just wanted to say OFFICIALLY that the MY SPACE page...
17 février 2007

Plus d'information sur le film Protégé

Plus d'information sur le film Protégé
Plus d'information sur le film Protégé: ICi, ICI, ICI.
17 février 2007

Andy Lau's 'Protege' Tops $17+ Million in Two Day Box Office Sales

Andy Lau's 'Protege' Tops $17+ Million in Two Day Box Office Sales
New movie, "Protege" 《門徒》hit movie theaters on February 13th in China and Hong Kong at the same time. The movie enjoyed good box office results in China as well as Hong Kong. On Valentine's Day, February 14th, the movie pulled in ticket sales of $10 million...
13 février 2007

Andy revealed his fear of rats, Tuesday February 13, 2007 Hong Kong

Andy revealed his fear of rats, Tuesday February 13, 2007 Hong Kong
Andy Lau, Louis Koo and Daniel Wu attended the charity premiere of Protege at Kwoloon Tung's Telford Plaza two nights ago. The 3 handsome leads battle each other from the movie till the promotional activity as they show off each of their charisma. Andy...
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Parakissshow crazy about DANIEL WU
Parakissshow crazy about DANIEL WU
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